Piano backing tracks for Minor Pentatonic scales

Jam along music for Minor Pentatonic scales on piano. The Minor Pentatonic Scales Backing Tracks album include music tracks in various styles prepared for jamming over with the Pentatonic scale.

A single scale can be used for the whole song. A tip: instead for using both hands simultaneously or only one exclusively, try to use both the hands, but in different parts of a song and find dynamic approaches with bass and treble.

Some of the backing tracks, such as "Cm Funk Mania", "Ebm Follow the Pad" and "Gm Modern Pop Groove", will probably work better playing to on a synth or synth keyboard instead for an acoustic piano.

Click on “Show scale” below the audio element for scale charts adjoining each track.

Backing tracks for Minor Pentatonic scales presented by Pianoscales.org.

Minor Pentatonic Scales backing tracks album cover
Track list

Am Straight Rock

Show scale B minor scale diagram

Bbm Sax Blues

Show scale C minor scale diagram

Cm Funk Mania

Show scale D minor scale diagram

C#m Ballad to Heaven

Show scale E minor scale diagram

Ebm Follow the Pad

Show scale Eb minor scale diagram

F#m On Gritty Ground

Show scale G minor scale diagram

Abm 70s Rock Wibe

Show scale A minor scale diagram

The full album (including 17 tracks, one for each Minor Pentatonic scale) with chord details is available in the member area.

Backing tracks overview

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