Printable scales

Piano scales ready for printout.

Major and Minor (for A4 paper, printing 72 dpi or higher)
Major and Minor (for A4 paper, printing 150 dpi or higher)
Pentatonic Major and Minor (for A4 paper, printing 72 dpi or higher)
Pentatonic Major and Minor (for A4 paper, printing 150 dpi or higher)
Blues Major and Minor (for A4 paper, printing 72 dpi or higher)

About printing from the web

The printable scales are made to fit A4 papers (210mm x 297mm). Depending on your printer settings and the dpi the result can vary.

300 dpi = 2480 × 3508 px on A4 paper
150 dpi = 1240 × 1754 px on A4 paper
72 dpi = 595 × 842 px on A4 paper

dpi = dots per inch | px = pixels | screen resolution doesn't matter

If the scales don't fit on one page, try to change the margins in the printer settings.

Digital posters

For a graphical representation collecting all Major and Minor scales plus related chords, this high-resolution digital poster can be handy on the music stand or, for example, on your tablet. A second black & white version of the poster with proper color contrast are included. For download / print.
The digital poster is a pdf-file in 297 x 420 mm size (A3 format), 240 dpi.
Poster screenshot

Price $2

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The digital poster (both color and black & white version) is sent to your mail directly after purchase.


For a graphical representation collecting Pentatonic scales including Minor, Major, Hybrid and Dominant, this high-resolution digital poster can be handy on the music stand or, for example, on your tablet. A second black & white version of the poster with proper color contrast are included. For download / print.
The digital poster is a pdf-file in 297 x 420 mm size (A3 format), 240 dpi.
Poster screenshot

Price $2

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The digital poster (both color and black & white version) is sent to your mail directly after purchase.