Harmonizing Harmonic Minor scales into chords

Chords can be constructed from scales and these are the chords that corresponds to the Harmonic Minor Scale including triads and four-note chords. The chords are not as practical for building progressions as the Natural Minor Scale since it includes more diminished and augmented chords. Also notice the uncommon minor major seventh chord (mMaj7) and the augmented major seventh chord (maj7#5) that represent the I and III four-note chords respectively.


A Harmonic Minor Scale Triads
Tonality Minor Diminished Augmented Minor Major Major Diminished
Degrees i ii° III+ iv V VI vii°
Notes A B C D E F G#
Chords Am Bdim Caug Dm E F G#dim
Notes in chord A-C-E B-D-F C-E-G# D-F-A E-G#-B F-A-C G#-B-D
A# / Bb Harmonic Minor Scale Triads
Degrees i ii° III+ iv V VI vii°
Notes A# B# C# D# E# F# G##
Chords A#m B#dim C#aug D#m F F# Adim
Notes in chord A#-C#-E# B#-D#-F# C#-E#-A D#-F#-A# E#-A-B# F#-A#-C# A-B#-D#
B Harmonic Minor Scale Triads
Degrees i ii° III+ iv V VI vii°
Notes B C# D E F# G A#
Chords Bm C#dim Daug Em F# G A#dim
Notes in chord B-D-F# C#-E-F D-F#-A# E-G-B F#-A#-C# G-B-D A#-C#-E
C Harmonic Minor Scale Triads
Degrees i ii° III+ iv V VI vii°
Notes C D Eb F G Ab B
Chords Cm Ddim Ebaug Fm G Ab Bdim
Notes in chord C-Eb-G D-F-Ab Eb-G-B F-Ab-C G-B-D Ab-C-Eb B-D-F
C# / Db Harmonic Minor Scale Triads
Degrees i ii° III+ iv V VI vii°
Notes C# D# E F# G# A B#
Chords C#m D#dim Eaug F#m G# A Cdim
Notes in chord C#-E-G# D#-F#-A E-G#-B# F#-A-C# G-B#-D# A-C#-E B#-D#-F#
D Harmonic Minor Scale Triads
Degrees i ii° III+ iv V VI vii°
Notes D E F G A Bb C#
Chords Dm Edim Faug Gm A Bb C#dim
Notes in chord D-F-A E-G-Bb F-A-C# G-Bb-D A-C#-E Bb-D-F C#-E-G
D# / Eb Harmonic Minor Scale Triads
Degrees i ii° III+ iv V VI vii°
Notes D# E# F# G# A# B C##
Chords D#m E#dim F#aug G#m A# B Ddim
Notes in chord D#-F#-A# E#-G#-B F#-A#-C## G#-B-D# A#-C##-E# B-D#-F# C##-E#-G#
E Harmonic Minor Scale Triads
Degrees i ii° III+ iv V VI vii°
Notes E F# G A B C D#
Chords Em F#dim Gaug Am B C D#dim
Notes in chord E-G-B F#-A-C G-B-D# A-C-E B-D#-F# C-E-G D#-F#-A
F Harmonic Minor Scale Triads
Degrees i ii° III+ iv V VI vii°
Notes F G Ab Bb C Db E
Chords Fm Gdim Abaug Bbm C Db Edim
Notes in chord F-Ab-C G-Bb-Db Ab-C-E Bb-Db-F C-E-G Db-F-Ab E-G-Bb
F# / Gb Harmonic Minor Scale Triads
Degrees i ii° III+ iv V VI vii°
Notes F# G# A B C# D E#
Chords F#m G#dim Aaug Bm C# D Fdim
Notes in chord F#-A-C# G#-B-D A-C#-E# B-D-F# C#-E#-G# D-F#-A E#-G#-B
G Harmonic Minor Scale Triads
Degrees i ii° III+ iv V VI vii°
Notes G A Bb C D Eb F#
Chords Gm Adim Bbaug Cm D Eb F#dim
Notes in chord G-Bb-Db A-C-Eb Bb-D-F# C-Eb-G Db-F#-A Eb-G-Bb F#-A-C
G# / Ab Harmonic Minor Scale Triads
Degrees i ii° III+ iv V VI vii°
Notes G# A# B C# D# E F##
Chords G#m A#dim Baug C#m D# E Gdim
Notes in chord G#-B-D# A#-C#-E B-D#-F## C#-E-G# D-F##-A# E-G#-B F##-A#-C#

Four-note chords

A Harmonic Minor Scale Four-note chords
Degrees imM7 iiø IIImaj7#5 ivm7 V7 VImaj7 vii°7
Notes A B C D E F G#
Chords Am(maj7) Cmaj7#5 Dm7 E7 Fmaj7 G#dim7
Notes in chord A-C-E-G# B-D-F-A C-E-G#-B D-F-A-C E-G#-B-D F-A-C-E G#-B-D-F
A# / Bb Harmonic Minor Scale Four-note chords
Degrees imM7 iiø IIImaj7#5 ivm7 V7 VImaj7 vii°7
Notes A# B# C# D# E# F# G##
Chords A#m(maj7) B#ø C#maj7#5 D#m7 F7 F#maj7 A#dim7
Notes in chord A#-C#-E#-G## B#-D#-F#-A# C#-E#-G##-B# D#-F#-A#-C# E#-G##-B#-D# F#-A#-C#-E# G##-B#-D#-F#
B Harmonic Minor Scale Four-note chords
Degrees imM7 iiø IIImaj7#5 ivm7 V7 VImaj7 vii°7
Notes B C# D E F# G A#
Chords Bm(maj7) Dmaj7#5 Em7 F#7 Gmaj7 A#dim7
Notes in chord B-D-F#-A# C#-E-F-B D-F#-A#-C# E-G-B-D F#-A#-C#-E G-B-D-F# A"-C#-E-G
C Harmonic Minor Scale Four-note chords
Degrees imM7 iiø IIImaj7#5 ivm7 V7 VImaj7 vii°7
Notes C D Eb F G Ab B
Chords Cm(maj7) Ebmaj7#5 Fm7 G7 Abmaj7 Bdim7
Notes in chord C-Eb-G-B D-F-Ab-C Eb-G-B-D F-Ab-C-Eb G-B-D-F Ab-C-Eb-G B-D-F-Ab
C# / Db Harmonic Minor Scale Four-note chords
Degrees imM7 iiø IIImaj7#5 ivm7 V7 VImaj7 vii°7
Notes C# D# E F# G# A B#
Chords C#m(maj7) D#ø Emaj7#5 F#m7 G#7 Amaj7 Cdim7
Notes in chord C#-E-G#-B# D#-F#-A-C# E-G#-B#-D# F#-A-C#-E G#-B#-D#-F# A-C#-E-G# B#-D#-F#-A
D Harmonic Minor Scale Four-note chords
Degrees imM7 iiø IIImaj7#5 ivm7 V7 VImaj7 vii°7
Notes D E F G A Bb C#
Chords Dm7(Maj7) Fmaj7#5 Gm7 A7 Bbmaj7 C#dim7
Notes in chord D-F-A-C# E-G-Bb-D F-A-C#-E G-Bb-D-F A-C#-E-G Bb-D-F-A C#-E-G-Bb
D# / Eb Harmonic Minor Scale Four-note chords
Degrees imM7 iiø IIImaj7#5 ivm7 V7 VImaj7 vii°7
Notes D# E# F# G# A# B C##
Chords D#m(maj7) E#ø F#maj7#5 G#m7 A#7 Bmaj7 Ddim7
Notes in chord D#-F#-A#-C## E#-G#-B-D# F#-A#-C##-E# G#-B-D#-F# A#-C##-E#-G# B-D#-F#-A# C##-E#-G#-B
E Harmonic Minor Scale Four-note chords
Degrees imM7 iiø IIImaj7#5 ivm7 V7 VImaj7 vii°7
Notes E F# G A B C D#
Chords Em(maj7) F#ø Gmaj7#5 Am7 B7 Cmaj7 D#dim7
Notes in chord E-G-B-D# F#-A-C-E G-B-D#-E A-C-E-G B-D#-F#-A C-E-G-B D#-F#-A-C
F Harmonic Minor Scale Four-note chords
Degrees imM7 iiø IIImaj7#5 ivm7 V7 VImaj7 vii°7
Notes F G Ab Bb C Db E
Chords Fm(maj7) Abmaj7#5 Bbm7 C7 Dbmaj7 Edim7
Notes in chord F-Ab-C-E G-Bb-Db-F Ab-C-E-F Bb-Db-F-Ab C-E-G-Bb Db-F-Ab-C E-G-Bb-Db
F# / Gb Harmonic Minor Scale Four-note chords
Degrees imM7 iiø IIImaj7#5 ivm7 V7 VImaj7 vii°7
Notes F# G# A B C# D E#
Chords F#m(maj7) G#ø Amaj7#5 Bm7 C#7 Dmaj7 Fdim7
Notes in chord F#-A-C#-E# G#-B-D-F# A-C#-E#-F# B-D-F#-A C#-E#-G#-B D-F#-A-C# E#-G#-B-D
G Harmonic Minor Scale Four-note chords
Degrees imM7 iiø IIImaj7#5 ivm7 V7 VImaj7 vii°7
Notes G A Bb C D Eb F#
Chords Gm(maj7) Bbmaj7#5 Cm7 D7 Ebmaj7 F#dim7
Notes in chord G-Bb-D-F A-C-Eb-G Bb-D-F#-G C-Eb-G-Bb Db-F#-A-C Eb-G-Bb-D F#-A-C-Eb
G# /Ab Harmonic Minor Scale Four-note chords
Degrees imM7 iiø IIImaj7#5 ivm7 V7 VImaj7 vii°7
Notes G# A# B C# D# E F##
Chords G#m(maj7) A#ø Bmaj7#5 C#m7 D#7 Emaj7 Gdim7
Notes in chord G#-B-D#-F## A#-C#-E-G# B-D#-F##-G# C#-E-G#-B D-F##-A#-C# E-G#-B-D# F##-A#-C#-E

Understanding the table and its symbols

Some explanation of the information in the tables above.

Degrees: Referring to the relations of the notes in the scale on a general basis. The Roman numerals are explained below.
Notes: Simply referring to the notes in the particular scale.
Chords: Referring to the chord with the same tonic as the note.
Notes in chord: Simply referring to the notes belonging to the chord.
Roman numerals: Roman numerals indicate chord groups. Uppercase Roman numerals represent major chords while lowercase Roman numerals represent minor chords.
°: The degree symbol represents diminished (dim).
Ø: This symbol represents a half-diminished chord.
m(maj7): This abbreviation represents a minor major seventh chord.
maj7#5: This abbreviation represents an augmented major seventh chord.


In the key of C sharp minor, E#m is included as a chord. This is in practice an Fm, but is given the name E#m since it should be avoided that the same letter (F in this case) is mentioned twice.

Finally, the presented chord categories don't not include all chords that can be constructed from the Harmonic Minor Scale. Five-notes chord are one of the not included categories.