Piano Minor arpeggios

Close related to the Minor Scales are these arpeggios, based on minor triads (three-note chords).

The patterns shown in the diagrams below can be played all over the keyboard and with both hands. The general fingerings are (right hand ascending): 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3. To accomplished this the thumb goes under the hand to the next octave and the long finger is used as pivot finger.

A Minor arpeggio from root over two octaves and ending on the root on third octave:
Sheet music

C Minor

C minor arpeggio diagram
Notes: C, Eb, G, C …

D Minor

D minor arpeggio diagram
Notes: D, F, G, D …

E Minor

E minor arpeggio diagram
Notes: E, G, B, E …

F Minor

F minor arpeggio diagram
Notes: F, Ab, C, F …

G Minor

G minor arpeggio diagram
Notes: G, Bb, D, G …

A Minor

A minor arpeggio diagram
Notes: A, C, E, A …

B Minor

B minor arpeggio diagram
Notes: B, D, F#, B …

C# / Db Minor

C# minor arpeggio diagram
Notes: Db, E, Ab, Db …

D# / Eb Minor

D# minor arpeggio diagram
Notes: Eb, Gb, Bb, Eb …

F# / Gb Minor

F# minor arpeggio diagram
Notes: Gb, A, Db, Gb …

G# / Ab Minor

G# minor arpeggio diagram
Notes: Ab, B, Eb, Ab …

A# / Bb Minor

A# minor arpeggio diagram
Notes: Bb, Db, F, Bb …

Minor arpeggios overview
C: C, Eb G, C
C#/Db: C#, E, G#, C# / Db, E, Ab, Db
D: D, F, A, D
D#/Eb: D#, F#, A#, D# / Eb, Gb, Bb, Eb
E: E, G, B, E
F: F, Ab, C, F
F#/Gb: F#, A, C#, F# / Gb, A, Db, Gb
G: G, Bb, D, G
G#/Ab: G#, B, D#, G# / Ab, B, Eb, Ab
A: A, C, E, A
A#/Bb: A#, C#, E#, A# / Bb, Db, F, Bb
B: B, D, F#, B

Read more about arpeggios and use the interactive Piano Arpeggio tool.

Minor arpeggio patterns and examples
Patterns and examples that can be downloaded as PDF-files:
Arpeggio patterns in all keys
Arpeggio progressions 1
Arpeggio progressions 2 (with fingerings)