Notes: C, D, E, F#, G#, A, B, C
Scales source and guide for musicians
The Lydian Augmented Scale is often referred to as the Lydian #5 Scale. It is also the third mode of the Melodic Minor Scale, meaning it shares the same notes but in different order. For example, A Melodic Minor has the same notes as C Lydian Augmented. This scale is primarily a choice in jazz and neo soul.
The scale differs from the regular Lydian Mode by including an augmented fifth interval. Since it includes the augmented fifth, the scale is suitable for playing over augmented triads and perhaps especially maj7(#5) chords. See also Lydian Diminished.
Notes: C, D, E, F#, G#, A, B, C
Notes: Db, Eb, F, G, A, Bb, C, Db
Notes: D, E, F#, G#, A#, B, C#, D
Notes: Eb, F, G, A, B, C, D, Eb
Notes: E, F#, G#, A#, B#, C#, D#, E
Notes: F, G, A, B, C#, D, E, F
Notes: Gb, Ab, Bb, C, D, Eb, F, Gb
Notes: G, A, B, C#, D#, E, F#, G
Notes: Ab, Bb, C, D, E, F, G, Ab
Notes: A, B, C#, D#, E#, F#, G#, A
Notes: Bb, C, D, E, Gb, Abb, Bbb, Cbb
Notes: B, C#, D#, E##, F##, G#, A#, B
Lydian Augmented Scales overview
C: C, D, E, F#, G#, A, B, C
C#/Db: C#, D#, E# (F), F## (G), G## (A), A#, B# (C), C# / Db, Eb, F, G, A, Bb, C, Db
D: D, E, F#, G#, A#, B, C#, D
D#/Eb: D#, E# (F), F## (G), G## (A), A## (B), B# (C), C## (D), D# / Eb, F, G, A, B, C, D, Eb
E: E, F#, G#, A#, B# (C), C#, D#, E
F: F, G, A, B, C#, D, E, F
F#/Gb: F#, G#, A#, B# (C), C## (D), D#, E# (F), F# / Gb, Ab, Bb, C, D, Eb, F, Gb
G: G, A, B, C#, D#, E, F#, G
G#/Ab: G#, A#, B# (C), C## (D), D## (E), E# (F), G# / Ab, Bb, C, D, E, F, G, Ab
A: A, B, C#, D#, E# (F), F#, G#, A
A#/Bb: A#, B# (C), C## (D), D## (E), E## (F#), F## (G), G## (A) A# / Bb, C, D, E, Gb, Abb (G), Bbb (A), Cbb (Bb)
B: B, C#, D#, E## (F), F## (G), G#, A#, B
Intervals: 1, 2, 3, #4, #5, 6, 7
Semitones: 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 2 - 1
Formula: Whole, Whole, Whole, Whole, Half, Whole, Half