Notes: C, Db, Eb, F, G, Ab, Bb, C
Scales source and guide for musicians
The Indian Scale consists of seven tones; notice the similarity to the Phrygian Scale. Although commonly referred as the Indian Scale, it should be emphasized that it is not the only scale used in Indian music. In India, musical scales are known as a raga and the presented raga is more genuinely spelled Hanumatodi, or just Todi.
This scale is often played differently ascending (arohanam) and descending (avarohanam). When you go down the scale, you use the notes indicated in the first set of diagrams (see below). When you go up the scale, two notes are left out as seen in the second set of diagrams, see Indian Scales ascending.
Notes: C, Db, Eb, F, G, Ab, Bb, C
Notes: C#, D, E, F#, G#, A, B, C#
Notes: D, Eb, F, G, A, Bb, C, D
Notes: D#, E, F#, G#, A#, B, C#, D#
Notes: E, F, G, A, B, C, D, E
Notes: F, Gb, Ab, Bb, C, Db, Eb, F
Notes: F#, G, A, B, C#, D, E, F#
Notes: G, Ab, Bb, C, D, Eb, F, G
Notes: G#, A, B, C#, D#, E, F#, G#
Notes: A, Bb, C, D, E, F, G, A
Notes: Bb, Cb, Db, Eb, F, Gb, Ab, Bb
Notes: B, C, D, E, F#, G, A, B
Indian Scales overview
C: C, Db, Eb, F, G, Ab, Bb, C
C#/Db: C#, D, E, F#, G#, A, B, C# / Db, Ebb (D), Fb (E), Gb, Ab, Bbb (A), Cb (B), Db
D: D, Eb, F, G, A, Bb, C, D
D#/Eb: D#, E, F#, G#, A#, B, C#, D# / Eb, Fb (E), Gb, Ab, Bb, Cb (B), Db, Eb
E: E, F, G, A, B, C, D, E
F: F, Gb, Ab, Bb, C, Db, Eb, F
F#/Gb: F#, G, A, B, C#, D, E, F# / Gb, Abb (G), Bbb (A), Cb (B), Db, Ebb (D), Fb (E), Gb
G: G, Ab, Bb, C, D, Eb, F, G
G#/Ab: G#, A, B, C#, D#, E, F#, G# / Ab, Bbb (A), Cb (B), Db, Eb, Fb (E), Gb, Ab
A: A, Bb, C, D, E, F, G, A
A#/Bb: A#, B, C#, D#, E# (F), F#, G#, A# / Bb, Cb (B), Db, Eb, F, Gb, Ab, Bb
B: B, C, D, E, F#, G, A, B
Intervals: 1, b2, b3, 4, 5, b6, b7
Semi-notes: 1 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 2 - 2
Formula: Half, Whole, Whole, Whole, Half, Whole, Whole
The Indian Scale ascending omits the third and seventh notes as seen in the diagrams below. This scale is also known as the Hon-kumoi-joshi (the 4th mode of Hira-joshi).
Notes: C, Db, F, G, Ab, C
Notes: C#, D, F#, G#, A, C#
Notes: D, Eb, G, A, Bb, D
Notes: D#, E, G#, A#, B, D#
Notes: E, F, A, B, C, E
Notes: F, Gb, Bb, C, Db, F
Notes: F#, G, B, C#, D, F#
Notes: G, Ab, C, D, Eb, G
Notes: G#, A, C#, D#, E, G#
Notes: A, Bb, D, E, F, A
Notes: Bb, Cb, Eb, F, Gb, Bb
Notes: B, C, E, F#, G, B
Indian Scales (ascending) overview
C: C, Db, F, G, Ab, C
C#/Db: C#, D, F#, G#, A, C# / Db, Ebb (D), Gb, Ab, Bbb (A), Db
D: D, Eb, G, A, Bb, D
D#/Eb: D#, E, G#, A#, B, D# / Eb, Fb (E), Ab, Bb, Cb (B), Eb
E: E, F, A, B, C, E
F: F, Gb,, Bb, C, Db, F
F#/Gb: F#, G, B, C#, D, F# / Gb, Abb (G), Cb (B), Db, Ebb (D), Gb
G: G, Ab, C, D, Eb, G
G#/Ab: G#, A, C#, D#, E, G# / Ab, Bbb (A), Db, Eb, Fb (E), Ab
A: A, Bb, D, E, F, A
A#/Bb: A#, B, D#, E# (F), F#, A# / Bb, Cb (B), Eb, F, Gb, Bb
B: B, C, E, F#, G, B
Intervals: 1, b2, 4, 5, b6
Semi-notes: 1 - 4 - 2 - 1 - 4
Formula: Half, Quadra-step, Whole, Half, Quadra-step