Notes: C, D, Eb, G, A, C
Scales source and guide for musicians
Dorian Pentatonic scale is similar to the Dorian mode, but without the 4th and 6th degrees. For example, D Dorian Pentatonic includes the notes D, E, F, A, B whereas the septonic D Dorian includes the notes D, E, F, G, A, B, C.
Dorian Pentatonic is often confused with Minor Pentatonic. Notice that Dorian Pentatonic has one flat, while Minor Pentatonic has two (see interval pattern below).
Notes: C, D, Eb, G, A, C
Notes: C#, D#, E, G#, A#, C#
Notes: D, E, F, A, B, D
Notes: D#, E#, F#, A#, C, D#
Notes: E, F#, G, B, C#, E
Notes: F, G, Ab, C, D, F
Notes: F#, G#, A, C#, D#, F#
Notes: G, A, Bb, D, E, G
Notes: G#, A#, B, D#, F, G#
Notes: A, B, C, E, F#, A
Notes: Bb, C, Db, F, G, Bb
Notes: B, C#, D, F#, G#, B
Dorian Pentatonic Scales overview
C: C, D, Eb, G, A, C
C#/Db: C#, D#, E, G#, A#, C# / Db, Eb, Fb (E), Ab, Bb, Db
D: D, E, F, A, B, D
D#/Eb: D#, E#, F#, A#, C, D# / Eb, F, Gb, Bb, C, Eb
E: E, F#, G, B, C#, E
F: F, G, Ab, C, D, F
F#/Gb: F#, G#, A, C#, D#, F# / Gb, Ab, Bbb, Db, Eb, Gb
G: G, A, Bb, D, E, G
G#/Ab: G#, A#, B, D#, F, G# / Ab, Bb, Cb (B), Eb, F, Ab
A: A, B, C, E, F#, A
A#/Bb: A#, B# (C), C#, F, G, A# / Bb, C, Db, F, G, Bb
B: B, C#, D, F#, G#, B
Intervals: 1, 2, b3, 5, 6
Semi-notes: 2 - 1 - 4 - 2 - 3
Formula: Whole, Half, Quadra-step, Whole, Whole and a half